what mathematical equation is used for a circuit to find i when you know p and r?
Electric Electric current , Electric Power , Electrical Voltage
Electricity and Electric Charge
The nigh common general formulas used in electric engineering
● Basic Formulas and Calculations ●
Relationship of the physical and electrical quantities (parameters)
Electric voltage V , amperage I , resistivity R , impedance Z , wattage and power P
Volt V , ampere A, resistance and impedance ohm Ω , and watt Westward
The nominal impedance Z = 4, 8, and 16 ohms (loudspeakers) is often assumed as resistance R .
Ohm's police equation (formula): Five = I × R and the power law equation (formula): P = I × V .
P = power, I or J = Latin: influare, international ampere, or intensity and R = resistance.
5 = voltage, electric potential divergence Δ V or E = electromotive strength (emf = voltage).
Enter whatever two known values and press "summate" to solve for the ii others. Delight, enter only 2 values.
V comes from "voltage" and Eastward from "electromotive force (emf)". E means as well energy, so we choose V .
Energy = voltage × charge. E = V × Q . Some similar amend to stick to E instead to Five , so do it. For R take Z .
The 12 nearly important Formulas:
Voltage V = I × R = P / I = √ ( P × R ) in volts Five Electric current I = 5 / R = P / V = √ ( P / R ) in amperes A
Resistance R = Five / I = P / I 2 = Five 2 / P in ohms Ω Power P = V × I = R × I 2 = V two / R in watts W
Ability Formula 1 – Electrical power equation: Ability P = I × V = R × I two = V two ⁄ R | |
Andr�-Marie Amp�re was a French physicist and mathematician.
The SI unit of measurement of electric current, the ampere, was named subsequently him.
Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta was an Italian physicist.
The SI unit of measurement of electrical voltage, the volt, was named after him.
Georg Simon Ohm was a German physicist and mathematician.
The SI unit of measurement of electric resistance, the ohm, was named after him.
James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer.
The SI unit of electric wattage (power), the watt, was named later him.
Power is like all energy sizes primarily a calculated value.
| The discussion "power amplifier" is a misnomer – particularly in audio engineering. Voltage and current can be amplified. The strange term "ability amplifier" has go understood to mean an amplifier that is intended to drive a load such as a loudspeaker. We telephone call the product of current gain and voltage proceeds "power distension". |
Please enter two values, the third value volition be calculated.
Delight enter ii values, the 3rd value will be calculated.
A magic triangle can be used to calculate all formulas easily. You lot hide with
a finger the value to exist calculated. The other two values prove then how to practise the calculation.
Calculations: Ohm's law - Ohm's magic triangle
Measurement of input impedance and output impedance
ALTERNATING Electric current (AC) ~
V l = line voltage (volts), V p = phase voltage (volts), I l = line current (amps), I p = phase current (amps)
Z = impedance (ohms), P = power (watts), φ = power gene angle, VAR = volt-amperes (reactive)
Current (single phase): I = P / Five p×cos φ | Electric current (three phases): I = P / √iii V fifty×cos φ or I = P / three 5 p×cos φ |
Power (single phase): P = 5 p×I p×cos φ | Power (3 phases): P = √3 5 l×I l×cos φ or P = √iii 5 p×I p×cos φ |
The apparent power Due south is calculated co-ordinate to Pythagoras, the active power P and reactive power Q . South = √( P 2 + Q 2)
DC power formulas
Voltage V in (V) calculation from current I in (A) and resistance R in (Ω):
V (V) = I (A) × R (Ω)
The power P in (W) calculation from voltage V in (V) and current I in (A):
P (W) = V (V) × I (A) = V ii (V) / R (Ω) = I ii (A) � R (Ω)
Air conditioning power formulas
The voltage V in volts (V) is equal to the electric current I in amps (A) times the impedance Z in ohms (Ω):
V (V) = I (A) � Z ((Ω) = (| I | × | Z |) and (θ I + θ Z)
The apparent power S in volt-amps (VA) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V) times the current I in amps (A):
S (VA) = V (5) � I (A) = (| V | × | I |) and (θ Five − θ I)
The real power P in watts (W) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V) times current I in amps (A) times the
power gene (cos φ):
P (W) = V (5) × I (A) × cos φ
The reactive power Q in volt-amps reactive (VAR) is equal to the voltage V in volts (Five) times the electric current I
in amps (A) time the sine of the complex power phase bending (φ):
Q (VAR) = Five (V) × I (A) × sin φ
The power gene (FP) is equal to the absolute value of the cosine of the complex power phase angle (φ):
PF = | cos φ |
| ||
Quantity | Proper noun | Definition |
frequency f | hertz (Hz) | 1/s |
strength F | newton (N) | kg·m/south² |
pressure p | pascal (Pa) = N/yard² | kg/k·southward² |
free energy E | work joule (J) = N·m | kg·m²/southward² |
power P | watt (Due west) = J/southward | kg·m²/s³ |
electric charge Q | coulomb (C) = A·south | A·s |
voltage Five | volt (Five)= W/A | kg·m²/A·s³ |
current I | ampere (A) = Q/southward | A |
capacitance C | farad (F) = C/V = A·s/V = s/Ω | A²·s4/kg·yard² |
inductance L | henry (H) = Wb/A = Five·due south/A | kg·g²/A²·s² |
resistance R | ohm (Ω) = 5/A | kg·k²A²·south³ |
conductance G | siemens (Due south) = A/V | A²·s³/kg·m² |
magnetic flux Φ | weber (Wb) = V·due south | kg·k²/A·southward² |
flux density B | tesla (T) = Wb/m² = 5·s/g² | kg/A·south² |
The menstruation of electric charge Q is referred to as an electric electric current I. The amount of accuse per unit time
is the change in electric current. A current flows at a abiding value I. during the time t , information technology transports
the charge Q = I × t. For a temporally abiding ability, the relationship between the charge and current:
I = Q / t or Q = I × t. Through this human relationship, the bones units of amps and 2nd the Coulomb in
International Organisation of Units is set. The Coulomb unit can be represented as one C = ane A × south.
Charge Q , (unit of measurement in ampere-hours Ah), discharge current I , (unit in amperes A), time t , (unit of measurement in hours h).
In acoustics we have an " Acoustic equivalent for ohm's law "
Relationships of acoustic sizes associated with plane progressive sound waves
Conversions of many units, similar power and energy
prefixes | length | area | book | weight | force per unit area | temperature | time | energy | power | density | velocity | acceleration | force
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Source: http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-ohm.htm
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